Thursday, May 13, 2010

Ricardo's Bucket List

This is a work in progress, but I figured if Lucia is going to have her Bucket List written down, I might as well do it too.

Go to a Super Bowl
Helicopter over the Grand Canyon
Visit the 4 other continents I haven't been to (Africa, South America, Asia, Australia) (Antarctica might be a stretch)
Bungee Jump
Coach Little League baseball or softball
Make homemade wine
Learn to ride a horse
Ride in a fighter jet
Run a marathon
Go to a black tie event at the opera
See the Egyptian pyramids
Live in Italy and learn Italian (hey, now we're on to something!)
Love Lucia with everything that I have

I'm sure I will think of more but for now that will have to do.



  1. I love that our bucket lists align! Clearly we were made for each other!

  2. I believe that you will find the last item to be the most exciting and fulfilling one of all!
