Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things we are lacking here in Italia

Over the 11 days we have been here so far, we have come across a couple of glitches. Mainly things that we have been looking for and for one reason or another couldn't find. Here is a list of those items:

-Peanut butter. Apparently doesn't exist in this country, but they have Nutella by the truckload.
-Spinach. They have something called spinaccio, which you would assume is spinach, but it's more like less bitter broccoli rabe.
-Clothes dryers. No easy 45 minute dry cycle for us! Let's see if we can get these jeans dry by next month, shall we?
-120 volts. Am I right, engineers? (nerd joke)
-Orange juice. The orange juice here is weird, like they took regular orange juice and blended in a bunch of SweeTarts. They do have arance rosse, or blood orange juice, but it is cursed with the same affliction as its less-sanguine brother.
-Easy-to-see street signs. Did I just miss another turn? I sure did!
-Sour cream. Couldn't find this anywhere in the grocery store today, but they do have a surprising amount of yogurt. Also, the yogurt here seems a little off, but I haven't made a formal opinion on that yet so let's move on.
-Starbucks, and that is actually a good thing. I like Starbucks back home, but the coffee here is fantastic, and I am kind of obsessed with all the coffee bars that are all over the place. I am more than addicted.

More to come as our journey continues...


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