Friday, February 26, 2010


One of the ideas we came up with for our life in Italy next year was to help renovate an old country estate. This was a completely original idea, and in no way inspired by Under the Tuscan Sun.

Fai da Te,” or, “Do-it-yourself” in English, would be quite an undertaking for two people who have never owned their own home. In a perfect world, we’d somehow stumble across someone who already owned their run down house, and were in need of cheap labor to help them renovate it. That way, we’d get the experience without all the hassle of, you know, spending our own money. And without Diane Lane sighing and looking around at the scenery while wondering if she did the right thing.

Two problems that I foresee with the renovation fantasy: one, it would probably be a less than ideal in terms of working hours (I’m guessing 35 hours a week); and two, which is somewhat related, it wouldn’t leave enough time to travel. Ideally we’d see as much of Europe as we could next year, and having a job would most likely be a hindrance to our travel time.

As with most everything else on this blog, this is really just me talking (typing?) out loud, trying to resolve everything by putting it on paper. Anyone out there have any suggestions/advice? Anyone out there even reading?

Arrivederci, mi amici,


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