Thursday, March 11, 2010

NYC Pre-goodbye

I've been known to complain from time to time. I know, I know, hard to believe. But, look, here it is, a whole Complaining label of its own. But today, to pull me out of my annoyed mood (aside: I really wish people would do their jobs like they're supposed to, it would make my job a lot easier) I'm going to list a few things that I'll miss big time when we leave New York City.

1. Bagels

I really can't see anywhere else in the world having both the abundance and quality of bagels as there is here. You literally can't walk 2 blocks without seeing a good bagel place. Right by our apartment there is a kosher bagel place that is closed on Saturdays for the Sabbath. To the businessman in me (it's in there, it's just usually edged out of the way by the nerdy engineer in me) this makes little sense, as Saturday is prime bagelry day. I do respect their religious beliefs though, even though there is a 99% chance that nobody who works there is actually Jewish.

2. The NYC Subway

Yeah, sure, it's dirty, and there's a very real possibility that you are standing where a homeless person relieved themself, but the accessibility and reliability of the subway system is a marvel to behold. During a few of the snowstorms this winter, people from Jersey and Long Island haven't been able to make it to work because the roads/buses/trains have been a mess. Not so with the subway, it just keeps trucking along with impressive consistency. It really makes me not notice the fact that we haven't owned a car in over 4 years.

More things I'll miss about NYC coming soon...


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